Thursday, April 8, 2010

Needing some get-out-of-debt advice?

Ok, so a friend of mine told me a while back about this awesome website Get Rich Slowly. Check it out! There are tons of good tips on how to save money. Also, while you are there, check out the video contest section. You can see the videos that have already been submitted to either get some money saving tips, or hear a success story. I've finished my success story video and included it here if you want to check it out. Warning: I lay it all out there. No hiding our money situation, I just told it how it is. Perhaps this will shine some light into why I have to be as frugal as I am, but believe me, it is well worth it to get to stay home with my baby boy. (Although I would rather be elsewhere while the dog is having the liquidy poos all over the house...)

Oh yea, and I will be posting my financial tip "music video" soon - probably sometime this weekend is when that will get wrapped up! =)


  1. Awesome video! That's impressive! I've never heard of Get Rich Slowly. Have you heard or listened to Dave Ramseyon the radio? He's our financial inspiration!

  2. Found you via Get Rich Slowly. Love your videos ... you've got a great talent there! Have subscribed to your blog ... can't wait to get reading.

    My spending budget (for everything ... food, diapers, cleaning supplies, dining out, clothing, etc.) per week is $100 ... for 7 of us, as well as three meals five days a week for three kids I babysit. And every week we stay within budget ... it's not easy though.
