Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Here goes...

So I'm thinking that as long as I start organizing my actual shopping list a little differently, it won't be hard to give the breakdown each week. I'll try it for the rest of the week and maybe next week so I can try to share the deals with y'all. I love how I'm saying this and as of now, I am the ONLY person that reads my blog. HA!

Ok, so here goes nothing. I am actually going to try to list the breakdown of my receipt/deals this week. We'll see how time consuming it is as to whether I keep doing this.

Some lingo to learn:

insert - this means I got the coupon from the Sunday paper

printable - I printed the coupon off the computer - I hope to eventually put the exact link, but for now, check http://coupons.com/, http://smartsource.com/, or http://redplum.com/ and if you can't find it at any of those sites - google search it - chances are a link will turn up or you'll be connected to someone's blog that is much better than I am

loadable - coupon was loaded onto my card from either http://cellfire.com/ or http://shortcuts.com/. Kroger has a link to load their own personal coupons on your card from their website, and Randalls has one for theirs too. Most of my loadables come from cellfire or shortcuts though.

1 comment:

  1. Now you are not the only one reading your blog.
    I am facinated by all the savings.
    I need you to buy all the materials for the houses I build.
